Sunday, May 17, 2020

Emerging Healthcare Technology Presentation - 1353 Words

Emerging Healthcare Technology Presentation HIPAA: Protecting the Privacy of Patients How important is it for you to keep your medical records private? Many people dont realize how easily accessible their medical records are, or perhaps it is just assumed that what goes on between a doctor and a patient stays between a doctor and a patient. Well, you know what they say about assuming. In actuality, your medical records can probably be accessed by any employee at your doctors office. I work in the healthcare industry and have access to countless files. With a first and last name I can easily look up the results of your last labs, every emergency room visit or doctors consultation youve ever had,†¦show more content†¦Providers Responsibility One of the provisions of the HIPAA privacy regulations requires that healthcare providers present a â€Å"Notice of Privacy Practices† to patients. This notice allows patients to know what and how their PHI will be used and disclosed by a provider. The notice allows providers to use PHI for things such as: treatment, payment, hospital directories, and legal proceedings to name a few. For any other use the provider would need to obtain written authorization from the patient. Today, healthcare providers and health plans that conduct business electronically must use many different formats for electronic transactions. For example, about 400 different formats exist today for health care claims. With a national standard for electronic claims and other transactions, health care providers will be able to submit the same transaction to any health plan in the United States and the health plan must accept it. Health plans will be able to send standard electronic transactions such as remittance advices and referral authorizations to health care providers. These national standards will make electronic data interchange a viable and preferable alternative to paper processing for providers and health plans alike. 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